Liwerski and partner lawyer and tax consultant

As of July 2022, a return must be filed with the IRS for each property. Here's what we're happy to do for you. For this we need some information. This video shows in which documents you can find them:

The ray of hope

in tax consulting


Liwerski and Partner Lawyer and Tax Consultant


Our partnership company advises companies, entrepreneurs and private individuals in legal and tax matters. In addition to classical tax consulting, we focus on tax consulting, especially in the area of company formation, company transformation and company succession. In addition, the legal framework is also set so that the entrepreneur can successfully present himself to the market. Our tax consultancy in Kleve is the right contact for you.

The history of our tax consultancy in Kleve

Our company has been based in Kleve since it was founded in 1963. The merger with our branch office in Duisburg Hamborn took place in 1990, and at the same time the expansion in the area of legal advice was completed.

Our philosophy of tax consulting


Liwerski and Partner Lawyer and Tax Consultant


The basis of a good working relationship between the client and his consultant is trust. This is due to the still extremely complicated tax law in Germany, which even for experts can hardly be illuminated and thus presented to the client in a comprehensible way.

As far as no concrete questions are asked to us and you do not get a "reaction" from us, this does not mean that we are inactive, because the work is often done in secret, i.e. in the background, in order to relieve you from the everyday work. However, if there are important decisions to be made or interesting new developments for you, we will inform you in good time.

Client structure of our tax consultancy in Kleve


Liwerski and Partner Lawyer and Tax Consultant


We do not only advise entrepreneurs and medium-sized companies, but also "private individuals". In addition, we assist foreign companies investing in Germany and/or. want to open up new markets.

As a rule, we are available to our clients not only as a one-time representative of their interests, but also as a long-term advisor in almost all tax and legal issues with which you are confronted in your private environment as well as in your business operations.

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